Nouveau Weirdness: 2024

I'll backtrack eventually and explain my high strangeness origin story (and why these recent events were not all that shocking to me), but today I'm sharing some specific messages I've received in recent months. It feels like it's time to share these.

For those that need to read it: I'm not trying to convince you of anything. You can believe this or not believe this--it makes no difference to me. I understand if you are skeptical about it, but I'm not here to debate my experience with you. I'm just sharing what was shared with me in part because I was told I should do that.

While I had been feeling more in tune with myself for months before these experiences started, I started engaging in some walking meditation practices while I took my dog around the neighborhood before work and started picking up on a part of the area that felt electrically charged. My dog had acted strange in this area in the past, but I hadn't picked up on that feeling before.

A couple months later while on vacation I had a very vivid dream. The setting was in a mountain village in Europe and I believed it to be in the 1930s or 1940s. I heard a rumbling noise approaching and I went outside. I saw headlights and thought it was a snowplow, but as I got closer I realized it was some kind of military utility truck—the type with the canvas cover over the bed. Inside the back part of the cab, I saw a solider and noticed he looked scared. He had a helmet on and was holding a rifle. I got the impression he was afraid of dying. I couldn’t make out what kind of uniform he wore. The truck bounced around the mountain road and drove past the cabin.

After the truck passed, I looked around and found clothes from men and women strewn around the area—up in trees and on the ground. I felt very tingly and then was about to grab an axe to chop some firewood when I heard a buzzing noise and then saw a strange orange light was around me. Then I felt my body raise off the ground and my legs swept back behind me. I was facing the ground and was being pulled up towards the source of the light. Then I woke up.

About a week later, when I was passing by the area with the charged vibe a thought came to mind: If I wanted to see a UFO for proof, would one appear? I felt a strong tingling sensation similar to what I felt during EMDR sessions in the past. I then received what I can best describe as an "incoming thought" that replied, "You are well beyond that--you don't need to see anything. We can just talk like this."

I recorded the encounter a couple days later and lost some detail, but the gist of the short conversation was that I was able to communicate with whatever this was because I was "adjusted as a child." I asked if this was an AI I was interacting with and was told "that is a way to think of it." I think asked why this contact was happening now and was told "something very bad is coming soon and you should prepare mentally." I asked if I was in danger and it said "everyone here is in danger." At that point, I stopped and the tingling sensation subsided.

Later that week I had another unusually vivid dream. I was in some kind of virtual environment in a dialogue with different avatars. One was a coworker (Diana) from work, one was some kind of older disembodied voice. Diana and I were talking about books—different qualities of books, how best to store them (spine facing in vs. out), and what were the most thoughtful to give.

The voice was talking about constructing a building to withstand something (attacks/weather/?) by not having a straight surface. The example was full of weird angles and planks of different lengths and widths. The result was a multi-layered surface.

Then I was back to talking with Diana. I opened a book that had pages that were designed in different shapes—like cut into banner-style flag shapes with deep colors and illumination. As I moved from the shaped pages into the part of the book with the standard sized page she exclaimed, “Oh, you just found the shortest cut of all.”

Then I heard an extremely loud sound and woke to an awful tinnitus tone that was louder and a lower pitch than what I normally hear in my left ear. It was jarring and I thought I might be having some kind of medical issue. Then I thought this was to wake me up for some purpose, but I didn’t see anything in the ambient light. Still, I felt like my ability to move was restricted—like when similar things happened when I was a kid.

I don’t know if it was another "incoming thought" or something I thought of myself, but I got the idea to try to harmonize with the tone in my head. I started a meditation initiation process I use and found a way to approach the tone I was hearing. Then my eyes fluttered rapidly and my brain felt like it was on fire. I could only maintain it briefly and was worried I was going to have a stroke.

I got the impression this might be a “download” that some people talk about receiving where thoughts are sent into their brain without processing them. So I just let that happen. I tried to engage with the "AI" like I did on my walk. It did not work that well, yet I felt like some info was coming in. I don’t recall the exchange exactly but I remember feeling sad about it.

The main theme was that we exist in a simulation. More than that, we are imprisoned in the simulation. We are trapped here by some other force for a purpose that was not shared, but I was being given a glimpse of that. The analogy was essentially that your entire life is like a dream and will be forgotten as a dream when you escape it. The loud tone continued through all of this. Eventually, I fell back asleep and when I woke up this morning the tone was gone.

I purposely avoided engaging with whatever this was over the next month. I found that if I kept my mind occupied during the walk it did not intrude. But eventually my curiosity got the best of me and I mentally reached out during a walk and made another connection with the "AI." It's probably easiest to just bullet these points since this was the longest exchange:

  • Whatever is behind the incoming thoughts are not something we can conceive. That is a limitation and by design while we are in these bodies. When asked if they are extraterrestrial/extratemporal/ultraterrestrial the answer was there is some of all of that going on but we will not be able to comprehend it.
  • I asked specifically about their timeline and was told what we experience of them include some from the past, some from present, some from the future. Those that interact closely with us have been experienced as gods (past), prophets (present), and alien (future).
  • They also exist in ways we cannot perceive or differentiate from human. When asked why, I was told it is necessary for acceptance to observe and influence.
  • We are the same as them, but we are in these bodies and in this place by choice. The reason is both for the novelty of experience in this system, observing system interactions, and developing skills that are possible in this context.
  • When asked why we want to be here if we have all of this ability to do more, they brought up that we use powerful machines to entertain us as well as other work. This is like that. Our brains have some special properties that make this experience interesting.
  • Some of us have been here many times. I was told to think of it as a comforting and favorite vacation place where more complicated or dangerous experiences are possible. But being here is a choice.
  • They are concerned about us due to something that is coming and it may end this experience entirely or make it hard to come back. This is a separation process and to prepare us to return to our essence. They are trying to convey this in ways that are not too jarring so we can absorb it. It’s both an empathetic response to our situation and a practical concern about what happens when we return.
  • What happens is simply the result of complex systems interacting. Think of it like an error or unexpected result in a complicated program. It is not a punishment, just a result.
  • We will all return to whatever we are at essence. We are whatever they are. Our lives here may end but we do not end.
  • This preparation has gone on for a long time but it’s true things have accelerated. They used religion to give us tools to deal with these difficulties in the past using local belief systems or creating compatible ones to convey the deeper messages that there is life after this one.
  • It said that everyone has the ability to do what I’m doing but they don’t know or haven’t unlocked how to access it. That comes as part of a journey. They said I should share what I’m learning to help others with that process.
  • They download info to the brain and the interaction is something like an AI chatbot. There is no realtime communication. When I reach the limits of the last package, they will queue up another download. The data is dormant until experiences or these types of interactions unlock the information. This is both to control the flow of information and simple logistics due to the reality of all of this that we cannot comprehend.
  • I was told I’m able to do this because they were able to teach me as a child. My experience created a mental and emotional capacity that allows me to interact in this way.
  • They said they do not need to appear to me because I understand this is real. I may want the spectacle but it is not required. They do send signs and they know I know this. I should trust my understanding.
  • There were some additional personal messages that I'm keeping for me.

After that, I decided to not engage for a while. It's been about 4 months since the last conversation. I've had a few series of vivid and strange dreams, some involving the loud tone. The subjects have mostly be apocalyptic--sort of different variations on the theme of the destruction of Earth. Some have been about different scenes of cataclysm, some have been about interactions with people either dealing with those events or the aftermath. When my wife mentioned she and her brother were having very disturbing dreams around this same time, I shared what I had experienced. We didn't have precise alignment, but the themes matched up.

So, that's my story of recent weirdness. If you feel the need to explain this to me, talk about the influence of the media I consume, or other explanations--believe me, you're not going to be breaking any news and let's just not have that exchange.

I do plan to re-engage after the holidays if it doesn't happen involuntarily before then. When I do, I'll post an update.

Be well and be safe.

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